Free Printable Vintage Train Art
My son is crazy about trains! I can say he’s actually probably a bit obsessed. He’s three years old and trains are all he talks about. We’re in the process of changing over his bedroom from a nursery to his big boy room. I’m inspired by the vintage vibe of the boy’s bedrooms in the Restoration Hardware Baby and Child catalog. I love the train art (pictured below), but not exactly the price tag.
I scoured the internet for vintage train images. In the New York Public Library Digital Gallery I found vintage train images that were originally from Churchman Cigarette Cards. These images originally had a cigarette logo on them, but I cropped it out. I also did some color correcting to the images and formatted them to fit in an 8″ x 10″ or 11″ x 14″ frame. I plan to print them out and frame 9 or 12 above my son’s dresser in his new big boy train bedroom.
Below I’ve included Jpeg files of the images. I’ve also included Powerpoint files formatted to be printed on letter or ledger size paper. If you are printing these at your local copy center, which I would recommend unless you have a high quality color printer, you can upload them to their site or contact them and e-mail them the Powerpoint files. I, personally, contact OfficeMax by phone and they have me e-mail them the files. That was their preferred method. If you would like to fill an 8″ x 10″ frame use the Powerpoint files which have been formatted for letter size paper (8.5″ x 11″) and if you’d like to fill an 11″ x 14″ frame, use the ledger size paper files (11″ x 17″). You can print these images for under $1.00 each. Free printables are a phenomenal way to get affordable art to fill up a big, blank wall.
If you do not have Microsoft Powerpoint, you can just save the files to your computer without opening them up. They are all ready to go. I have made the train image smaller than the frame opening so there is white space around the train image. I tried many different options, and I thought this was the most visually appealing.
Jpeg files for the Vintage Train Images
Letter Size Powerpoint Files (for an 8″ x 10″ frame)
Click on the file below and save to your personal computer. Print the file on your personal printer, or upload the file to your local copy center.
20th century Express Blue Train at Nice Cornish Riviera Express Golden Arrow Hook of Holland Express Imperial Indian Mail Imperial Limited Simplon Orient Epress The Flying Scotsman The Royal Scot The Southern Belle The Union Express Trans Australian Train Union Limited
Ledger Size Powerpoint Files (for an 11″ x 14″ frame)
Click on the file below and save to your personal computer. Print the file on your personal printer, or upload the file to your local copy center.
Union Limited 11×14 Trans Australian Train 11×14 The Union Express 11×14 The Southern Belle 11×14 The Royal Scot 11×14 The Flying Scotsman 11×14 Simplon Orient Epress 11×14 20th century Express 11×14 Blue Train at Nice 11×14 Cornish Riviera Express 11×14 Golden Arrow 11×14 Hook of Holland Express 11×14 Imperial Indian Mail 11×14 Imperial Limited 11×14
I hope someone is able to use these images. Thank you for stopping by! If you’d like to see any more things that I have to share please like my Facebook page or follow my blog via wordpress or e-mail (below). If you would like to see what inspires me you can follow me on Pinterest. To see more botanical printables I have to offer you can look through my Printables page.